Legal Frontiers In Digital Media

May 16 & 17, 2013 | Stanford University

A joint conference of the Media Law Resource Center and the Stanford Law School Center for Internet & Society, this annual conference is geared towards lawyers and Web publishing professionals responsible for sorting out the emerging legal issues surrounding the distribution of content on digital platforms.  This year’s conference will explore:  Managing a Data Breach, Privacy Class Actions, Online Journalism, Digital Copyright, IP Protection in News Distribution and Venture Capital.  For all the details, including curriculum, schedule, registration, and lodging, please go the conference website:

Protection of Intellectual Property: Types of Intellectual Property and How to Protect it 

May 16, 2013
Presented by Daniel N. Yannuzzi, Partner, Sheppard Mullin

Intellectual property can be a start-up company’s most important and valuable asset. This webinar will discuss various types of intellectual property and how to protect it, strategies for securing and building a start-up company’s IP foundation, how IP can affect your efforts to secure financing, and what do in the case of infringement of your own or other’s IP.

Please join Sheppard Mullin for our monthly Third Thursday Emerging Company Webinar Series educating entrepreneurs and emerging companies on the key legal issues they face during the growth of their companies. These complimentary 1-hour webinars are held through WebEx on the third Thursday of the month at noon. They will have both an audio and PowerPoint component.

Click here to view the webinar.

Sources of Capital: An overview of the types of financing available for early stage and emerging companies

April 18, 2013
Presented by Riaz Karamali, Partner, Sheppard Mullin

Please join Sheppard Mullin for our monthly webinar series educating entrepreneurs and emerging companies on the key legal issues they face during the growth of their companies. These complimentary 1-hour webinars are held through WebEx on the third Thursday of the month at noon. They will have both an audio and PowerPoint component.

This webinar will present an overview of the types of financing available for early stage and emerging companies. It will include a discussion of the financing life cycle, how to navigate the venture capital process and the typical terms found in a VC term sheet.

Click here to view the webinar.

Social Media For Start-Up Companies – Things to be aware of and look out for when using social media to promote your business

Presented by Neil Ray, Sheppard Mullin and David Reis, CEO and Founder of the Social Media Agency, DEI Worldwide

Many companies are already utilizing the power of social media to maintain relationships and increase their business opportunities. However, such as breach of privacy, fear of legal action, and lack of control have lead to the avoidance of this important tool. This webinar will show you how to develop social media strategy to market and brand your company while managing and mitigating the legal risks.

Click here to view the webinar.